Sunday, September 5, 2010

Butcha's Boys Progress so Far

The Ork army currently in progress is themed with a yellow/red mix (Bad Moon and Evil Sunz). Now, anyone who's used yellow in the GW range can tell you it's a pain to work with. I've created a 1:1:1 mix of Golden Yellow, Skull White and Ivanden Darksun to avoid the transparency and flow of straight yellow colours. Been painting the greenskins for about 1.5 years- again not so fast, hence the blog.

Up first is the warboss - nicknamed Butcha (old grognards may recognize his gretchin companion from 2nd edition of 40K)

Next the battlewagons (from Forge World):

Will post my current work in progress (MegaNobz) shortly...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The First Post

Welcome to the Procrastinating Painter!

This is my first blog attempt, and really is to help me get motivated to get painting my Warhammer 40K and fantasy miniatures and vehicles.

I am NOT a professional (or even a good) painter; just a normal slacker who enjoys painting plastic and metal minis, but falls behind in my own progress as life gets in the way. Hopefully, keeping a “web log” will kick me in the pants to get projects finished and post them up to keep track of my progress (and how I did it in case I forget).

I’m currently painting Orks for 40K, but have models for 5 other armies: Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Tyranids, Chaos Daemons, and Sisters of Battle.

Now I just have to figure out how to post pictures up on this thing and we’ll be in business.